
Mohamed Eldakroury avatar image
Mohamed Eldakroury asked Mohamed Eldakroury commented

Plot deliveries total cost or route cost in a GIS model

I am looking at calculating the total cost of deliveries within a GIS model. So, If a flow Item travels between points A and B, I want to record the cost and get a total cost for every route at the end.

I can click on a route in the map and know the cost to travel on this route, but I don't know how to pull this data and use it.

Is there a simple example somewhere?

FlexSim 24.2.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Mohamed Eldakroury commented

You can use the getCost() method of the navigator class to read the distance/duration/cost of a travel action between two GIS points.

Using a task executer reference as the first parameter does not seem to work as advertised in the documentation though. In the attached model I thus trigger the data acquisition just before the travel task starts, so I can read the current location of the truck from the navigator. There are of course numerous other ways of how one could keep track of what point a TE is at at the moment.


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