
Thin Tn avatar image
Thin Tn asked Thin Tn commented

Stack the pallets in a rack

z4460687891443-81c959b1eb3079ae3d7e4cb6ee2542bf.jpgstackpallet.fsmHello teachers and everyone in the community. As a student, I am using a trial version of Flexsim 9. I am having an issue with stacking pallets in a rack, please help me adjust the pallets to stack up along the Z-axis within the rack cell as shown in the picture below. I know this can be done easily in newer versions of Flexsim, but please help me solve this problem. I have also consulted many other posts on the forum and the suggestions from @Joerg Vogel, but it seems that there is a mistake in each of them somewhere. :((

FlexSim 19.0.0
palletsstack itemsstack palletsstack the pallets in a rack
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Thin Tn commented

Hello @Thin Tn,

This was a feature request that was recently added to FlexSim. You can look at the following posts to figure out how to implement to this version of FlexSim.

Feature request and code for flowitem packing method

problem with stacking pallets in rack and bounding box resolution

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