
Shinya O avatar image
Shinya O asked Julie Weller commented

Possibility of FlexSim crashing


FlexSim may crash in the middle of running a large model on my PC. However, this phenomenon is not reproducible.

After running a large model on my PC, FlexSim's CPU usage stays above 20% until it crashes. My PC has 4 cores, so that core is always above 80% utilization.

I'm using 'Fast Forward' to run, so I don't think the graphics affect it. The memory seems to be relatively free, but the CPU load seems to be high. I suspect the CPU is underpowered, is it possible that FlexSim crashes because the CPU usage is too high?

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 22.0.16
flexsim crashingcpu
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered

Only if you exceed the thermal limit for some reason - most CPUs throttle back the clock speed to manage this. You'd expect each FlexSim vcore to be 80-100% utilized while running.

Does your model repeat correctly each time you run it? Does it run to completion if you are not fast forwarding?

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