
Glenys C avatar image
Glenys C asked Joerg Vogel edited

FlexSim crashes upon changing hierarchy of component

Hello! It has been an ongoing issue for awhile now, my FlexSim would crash upon changing the hierarchy of a component. Though, this doesn't happen to every object that I create custom animations for just a few. However, as of now, FlexSim keeps crashing even when I try to change the hierarchy of a component from a standard FlexSim robot.

As seen from the image attached below, FlexSim will crash when I try to shift joint3 to the left of the hierarchy.

Unfortunately, the size of my file is too large even after compressing. Please let me know if you would like for the file to be sent via email. Thank you!

FlexSim 20.2.1
flexsim 20.2.1flexsim crashing
screenshot-41.png (376.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Joerg Vogel edited
As mentioned previously the robot drawing and movement code expects to have those joints and expects certain orientations. I'm not surprised that it crashes when we try to changed that (it's the same on the default shapes).

If you want to customise some animation only then create the joint structure you want on a new object (basicTE for example) and then control everything yourself.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

I suggest to use top level draw surrogate objects of each joint without any shapes at all. If you need any visualization, then you add a slim boxes or cylinders. These will later be hidden under the shapes, you let move with the top level joint surrogate nodes. Then you insert additional objects to the structure nodes that you fill with your shapes. The result is a skeleton of the robot structure and shapes that are moved by the structure elements. I hope the kinematic is referenced absolutely to the joint names and not relatively to the rank.

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