
browna15 avatar image
browna15 asked browna15 commented

Sending FlowItems of different types into respective queues from Conveyor


I would like to be able to send specific FlowItems (red = type 1, green = type 2) into their respective queues from the conveyor. I tried using a decision point with the trigger to send by case, however it does not send to the correct queue when I am using the eye dropped to select the queue. I have been able to use decision points on conveyors to do the same thing, however since I can't place a decision point on a queue, I am not sure what the work around is. Without any decision points, each type of FlowItem goes into queue 2. Thank you for the consideration.

FlexSim 17.1.6
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered browna15 commented

You need to send to the exit transfers - connect them as outputs of the decision point if that makes it easier for you to reference them.

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