
Bruno Almeida avatar image
Bruno Almeida asked Patricia_brenny R edited

Set rule for queues

Darlings, I hope you are well!

Well, I need the process outputs to go to the corresponding queue according to the arrival criteria, that is,

  • if the item enters Arrival 1, it will go to Queue 1;
  • If the item enters Arrival 2, it will go to Queue 2;
  • So that in the end they are united and give the final output.


FlexSim 23.1.3
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Bruno Almeida commented

I assume that by "Arrival1" and "Arrival2" you mean the sources (Chegada, Chegada2)?

In that case you can have the sources set a label that denotes where the item came from on the items. Then use that label in the processors' Send to Port field to determine the queue they are send to.


port-by-case.fsm (27.1 KiB)
· 1
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Patricia_brenny R avatar image
Patricia_brenny R answered Patricia_brenny R edited

Hello, the ideal solution is the one mentioned by Felix, on your Chegada1 and 2 add a label that will trace them back to where they originated, then use this label on the "Send to Port" field choose the desired output port by case. If you want a 50% 50% entering rate from the sources, consider using a Pulling method on "Mesa" and pull from each input port based on percentage.

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