
ged0313 avatar image
ged0313 asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Problem Concerning Multiple Sinks


I’ve encounter some problem when setting up the sink. My setting is that I have several sinks in the layout. I have checked the tutorial and I found that most of the tutorial present the consequence with only one sink. That the destination is a fixed spot.

To solve this, my initial thought is to create a list of sink and pull from list. Then set the destination as the sink I pulled. But I found that if I have several agv that want to go to sink. It cannot execute and the same time. Since I want the agv to choose the nearest sink, if two agvs are close to each other there must be a problem of pulling the same sink.

I’m wondering if there’s a better way to construct the process flow of choosing the nearest sink. Thank you for your assistance!


FlexSim 23.0.9
process flowsink
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Felix Möhlmann commented

@ged0313, there is not such a restriction that I know of.

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