
browna15 avatar image
browna15 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Half of Model Broken Despite Identical Process Flow

The process flow for my model responsible for alternating queues each 4 units only works for the first two set of queues but not the two remaining set of queues. I have made sure to use the same type of list, refer to the lists correctly in the process flow, use identical triggers across the queues and processors, and make sure that all the process flows are changed to match their specific groups. Please let me know where I went wrong.


Model: FinalWorkingModel.fsm

FlexSim 17.1.6
process flow
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1 Answer

Julie Weller avatar image
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Julie Weller answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Hey @browna15! You just had two issues in the model, the first is you needed to increment the type by more than you did on the schedule source, for Queues3 it should be +4 and for Queues4 it should be +6:


The second thing is that Queues3 didn't have a quantity so I put in:


I think it's working now! I'll attach the model just in case but good job on the rest of it!


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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦ commented ·
@browna15 Also note that your processes appear to be identical and therefore would be better modelled as Object Process Flows (in 17.1 they're called called Fixed Resource Process Flows)

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