
PiotrPe avatar image
PiotrPe asked PiotrPe commented

shortest paths algorithms

Hello Flexsim Users and Developers

I built a large network (mesh with some paths randomly removed) about 2 000 nodes (NN).After reset() flexsim compute something about 1 minute - proably

creates routing tables if am wrong please correct me.

My question: what algorithm for determining shortest paths use FlexSim in "Default Network Navigator" mode? Is it I Astar or Dijkstra (maybe others)?

I know that flexsim uses Astar. Does he also use Dijkstra for some cases. Dijkstra is also very fast for this network type.

Best regards



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FlexSim 23.1.3
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1 Answer

Krzysztof J avatar image
Krzysztof J answered PiotrPe commented

Hi Piotr,

Please attach you model so we could see where the problem is. For network nodes it is Dijkstra algorithm used by default.

All the best

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PiotrPe avatar image PiotrPe commented ·
Thanks Krzysztof for answer , so it uses Dijkstra for NetworkNodes, it is answer to my question.

all the best


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