
Santi avatar image
Santi asked Santi commented

Identify MD name in Statistics Collector

I need to collect data on the start and end time, for every time a doctor examines a patient.
With the Statistics Collector, I can get the patient flow, but I need the doctor's name instead.
The tutorials I've seen on the Statistics Collector are focused on factory simulations.
Could someone please help me with understanding how to accomplish this in a healthcare simulation?

FlexSim 23.2.0
healthcarestatistic collectordoctor
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Santi commented

The person will have a resource allocated to them and stored as a label. You should be able to access that generally with something like:


In the statistics collector that information is found on the data map so you'll likely need something like this in the column value:


If you have a model to upload we can provide a more targeted reply with attribute/label names that match your model.

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