
Junday avatar image
Junday asked Ben Wilson commented

blank screen when i open flexsim

hey help me please .

I have issue with my flexsim 23.2.1.

I tried opening flexsim and it only shows a white screen like this

you can see my video attachment .

FlexSim 23.2.1
blank screen
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Ben Wilson commented

Have you looked at the graphics troubleshooting article and our installation/startup issues article?

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Junday avatar image Junday commented ·

Already. there are no problems similar to what I experienced.

I have also tried reinstalling flexsim but still no change

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Junday commented ·


Based on the video you posted in your question, at time 0:37 it shows the walking operator in the model units window. Since that window can render just fine, we ought to also explore some of the troubleshooting tips that are outside the realm of graphics.

One thing that a reinstall would not have reset is your preferences. We should reset your preferences to make sure you are really starting clean with your fresh install.

Follow the instructions in the startup/installation article, item 5. Delete FlexSim's saved settings:

With FlexSim closed, delete this prefs.t file. Then try starting FlexSim. Are the problems resolved?

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Junday avatar image Junday Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

Hello, @Ben Wilson ! Thank you very much. I followed your suggestion to delete the saved settings, then reinstalled, and now it's running normally.

and the last question from me. Why did it happen ?

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Junday commented ·
@Junday, if you have gone through all steps, then you have to tell us what your graphic card, driver version and current Flexsim graphical settings are.
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Junday avatar image Junday Joerg Vogel commented ·

hi @Joerg Vogel here is the graphic card in my computer and flexsim graphical settings.

Yesterday my flexsim ran normally, but today it only displays a white screen.

please help me

vga.png flexsim-grap.png

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vga.png (25.7 KiB)
flexsim-grap.png (29.0 KiB)
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