
shaghayegh avatar image
shaghayegh asked shaghayegh commented

What is the cause of the patient getting stuck at the entrance door?

Why does the patient get stuck in the triage or at the entrance door of the emergency room and does not follow the movement and flow of the process? Some patients have been admitted before these patients, and the patient flow works properly from 12:00 PM to 4:00 AM, but after 4:00 PM, it gets stuck in triage and does not go through the rest of the flow.The resuscitation patient gets stuck in the entrance door and does not enter the emergency room at all, what is the reason?

Thank you for helping me.


FlexSim 22.2.0
patient flowpatient stuckemergency department
triage.png (383.3 KiB)
resusitation.png (245.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered shaghayegh commented

It looks like the patients can't acquire a Resuscitation Room. I can't tell just from these images why that might be though. My guess is that earlier patients are not correctly releasing those rooms. If you look at those objects do they still have a non zero number for their Priority label?

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