
Ankur A3 avatar image
Ankur A3 asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Is it necessary to work on system console exceptions to get right results?

Hi team,

I am getting some exception in system console window and I know the reasons. My question is if we don't work on it, can we rely on model results:


1. I am collecting results from global table using calculated tables to be shown while running optimizer.

Calaculated tables are updated at interval of 60 min but also while reset by default. Since global table is not having any row at t=0, it is throwing exception as below:

time: 0.000000 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist()

2. Another one is related to negative sample value from distribution

createvent: event time is in past: event time changed to present. Object: Processor advancetime: -0.088730, time: 0.546016 line1

Thank you!

FlexSim 23.1.0
exceptionsystem console
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

I'm sure not all exception messages are of equal importance. However they are equally important in how they are perceived - if you don't rectify them all , then users get in the habit of ignoring exception messages and can often then miss ones that are then critical/important to having valid results. Also it's an indication that a user is not paying attention to the way that the model and FlexSim work and/or that they understand valid parameter values. Neither of these things are hard to fix, so the benefit in doing so easily outweighs the time it takes to make the correction.

If you have a model full of exceptions and then need support on that model, we will always try to clear the exceptions first so that we have a clear vision of the remaining issue if it's generating exceptions (or have you fix them), which may delay getting to the issues about which you are posting.

I recommend you fix all of them all of the time.

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