
felicity avatar image
felicity asked felicity commented

Problem closing and opening processor input in process flow


I have a model in which I want flow items to enter the processor only when it's empty. As I'm using process flow, whenever a new item appears in the storage, the crane has to move it to the processor, however the processor cannot work on more than one item at a time. I tried:

1- a close/open input activity in the process flow

2- a trigger on entry for the processor

neither seem to work because the crane moves items to the processor anyway. And I get this error (I don't know if it's related to the same problem or not):

  1. time: 59733.873609 exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction250__project_library_FlexSimObject_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnTimerEvent object: /RS Inventory class: /RS Inventory

What I need to happen is for the processor to close inputs as soon as an item enters, and open input when that item exits.

end of RSInv -FS.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
processorproces flowclose and open ports
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered felicity commented

The port/input status only matters if the material flow happens through port connections (A-connections). If you give an unload task to the crane through Process Flow (or by manually creating a task sequence in code) it will move the item to the processor not matter what (also ignoring the max content setting.

What you would do in that situation is use a Wait for Event activity to make sure that the processor is empty before something is moved into it.


Your model didn't upload successfully, so I can't say what causes the error. By timerEvent errors usually happen when you move objects that still have pending events (like removing an item from a processor before the process finishes).

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