
Bryan Quiros avatar image
Bryan Quiros asked Bryan Quiros commented

Process Flow Issue: Operator Picks Up Wrong Item

Im trying to run the second SubFlow that starts after the unload step. My issue is on the load step where Operator1 is picking up the same item that was unloaded in "PP NIR1 e inspeccion tinta". I need Operator1 to go back and load the items in Queue1. Any idea how to fix this?

Also, is there any way I could tell the Process Flow to run the same SubFlow 3 or more times or do I have to keep creating more loops? I attached the file for inspection.

WISP Cushion propuesta - Copy (3).fsm

FlexSim 23.2.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Bryan Quiros commented

Currently you are telling the operator to do the same thing twice. Since the label values don't change the same item will be moved.

You don't actually have to copy the activity block. The purpose of the Run Sub Flow activity is to have multiple tokens run through the same subflow. Either in parallel or in succession and with potentially differing label values.

Your model is already set up for the operator to move every pulled item in succession. But because the Pull from List activity is set to only pull a single value and also due to how the timing works out, only a single item is pulled by the token. If you increase the requested number and delay the token creation by some time (can be a tiny fraction of a second), the token will pull multiple items.


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