
AboElfadl avatar image
AboElfadl asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Three stations processing together at the same time

I have three stations on the conveyor, I want the first item to go to station 3, the second item go to station 2, and the third item go to station 1, then they start processing together with the same processing time, then release the three items together to repeat the same sequence again and again.
The attached file is doing a similar scenario but with uniform distribution, and I don't want this.
Gas Heater.fsm

FlexSim 23.0.11
1698657676526.png (115.9 KiB)
gas-heater.fsm (43.1 KiB)
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Your sequence of 'triple' labels would need to be 3,2,1 not random as you have it. You can find a math expression that does this based on the output stat of the source

You need to stop the stations while they wait for each other and coordinate their resumption - which will be easiest using a process flow.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

You can set two processing times upon a label value. you can directly set it to be a process time or indirectly to choose a process time by case. If it set to null an item passes the working station. This said, you have to update label values in a manner that a next entered station evaluates a process time different to null.

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