
Thibault.G avatar image
Thibault.G asked Jason Lightfoot edited

How to let product going through a station only if the next station is free ?

On my simulation we have 2 functional test stations in a row ST70 & ST70_2. I'd like to simulate that ,when a product is coming on the first station, the programm checks if the second station is free, if yes, the product pass through the first station to be tested on the second otherwise the product stay in the first station. Does someone know how to set the parameters and create the code behind this need ? Thanks in advance.

Standard Model Lite_V3.2.1 Segment LIne Test Split Sequence.fsm

FlexSim 21.2.4
prioritizationautomaticstations in a row
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Here's an example of conveyor based stations with where the travel is inline and the processing is conditional. For the processing condition on the first station it uses a list to see if the next station cannot be pulled and sets a label on the item to say ST70_done which is used by the processing condition of the second station.



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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

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