
Kevin S7 avatar image
Kevin S7 asked Jeanette F commented

how to send products from a queue faster

My model has the following configuration. I want groups of forklifts, when a queue in which they transport products is larger, two will work and only one will work in the smaller ones, but if the queue decreases, everyone will work for equity and equality, dispatching the products. faster. eliminate the bottleneck as much as possible


FlexSim 23.2.1
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered Jeanette F commented

Hi @Kevin S7,

Here is a model that demonstrates a more balanced pulling method for the operators.

I added a label to the initial queues called NumOps. This is used to calculate how many operators are currently pulling items from that queue. In the List "ItemList1" I then added that label as an expression field, this allows me to see that information when the operators are looking through the list to find an item to acquire.

The final thing is that I used a query for the operators pull from list activity. WHERE NumOps < 2 ORDER BY queueSize DESC. This query looks for a queue that has less than 2 operators currently working at it, and then finds the queue with the most items in it and pulls the first available item from that queue. The operator loop also uses a couple of assign labels activities to modify the NumOps labels on the queues.

queue logic.fsm

queue-logic.fsm (48.2 KiB)
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