
Kevin S7 avatar image
Kevin S7 asked Kavika F commented

transport group must perform two operations at the same time

Greetings community, I have the following model in which a transport group of 3 will carry out the process of taking the boxes from queues 1,2,3 to queue 4,6, now that same transport group when the box leaves the conveyor belt a Forklift that is free or in turn or two forklifts depending on whether it is free or not, it should take from queue 5 to the rack as I develop that process flow I tried it but I had problems, please help me...



FlexSim 23.2.1
proces flowtrasnporter
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Kavika F commented

Hey @Kevin S7, you were pretty close on setting up the first part. Right now you're only specifying to unload boxes to Queue4. I changed it so it was 50% chance to unload to each one.


(I renamed a few activities for clarity)

I then setup a similar system you had to move boxes from Queue5 to the Rack.


You don't necessarily need a "Travel" activity, but you can add one between the load and unload if you want.


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gmuq-1.fsm (66.8 KiB)
· 3
5 |100000

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