
Adnan avatar image
Adnan asked Jeanette F commented

AGV network issue - Assign AGV process flow


I am currently lost in making an AGV system, the system I need is small but making the process flow correctly got me lost.


My aim is to compare a traditional system that is 1 straight path of process without AGVs (I already made it) and compare it with an AGV system to show that the AGV system will produce more in less time utilizing the stations more efficiently.


the AGV one is a bit hard for me as I am still new in Flexsim. I really need this system to work as it is the last thing I need for my project. (I have the student version with 30 elements limit)

I appreciate any help. Thanks a lot.

test28 AGV.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.2
agvagv path
· 1
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

If it's a fixed pattern then having a look for work loop is probably incorrect - so you should create your own process flow with specific travel tasks and coordination activities with finished items/list entries.

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