
Raynan avatar image
Raynan asked Raynan commented

Person stucking after process

In the simulated model, the flow of people stops in cert of time and the queues grow infinitely. At some point , the person finishes processing at the "Balcão Carne" location, but does not leave the Location after. I believe the error is when forming groupsand going to the tables. Someone could help me? I will leave the model attached. simulacao-restaurante-2-fm-ajuste.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
batching groupingstuck processinfinity queue
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Raynan commented

There is some inherent logic (I think) build into the people module Location resources which prevents a location from being acquired if it is physically still occupied in the 3d model despite being released.

After visiting the "carnes" location, the people wait until all members of the group are done before continuing and block the location during that time. If more than one member of a group needs to visit the location this blocks the model from advancing.

If you tell them to walk to some location after finishing the model should run again.


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