How can I restrict the ASRS to put away the boxes only in the aisle where they are located. And to bring the picked items in the queue at the end using the ASRS.
I attach the model I've been working
How can I restrict the ASRS to put away the boxes only in the aisle where they are located. And to bring the picked items in the queue at the end using the ASRS.
I attach the model I've been working
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Just use:
- destination.centerObjects[1]
then you can remove all centerport connections from the queue and only have one on each of the racks (or put an 'asrs' pointer label on the racks and then use 'destination.asrs' - no centerports anywhere).
In the queue's field for which transport to use (transportdispatcher)
Thanks... it worked for the putaway. I am missing to use the ASRS for the picking still.
Thanks Felix,
I did all the connections still the picking is not happening. Any clue what is the situation here?
Thanks a lot for the guidance. While doing the changes, it's only one of the ASRS doing the job, even if I adjust the number of ASRS.s, any suggestion?
WH model_change to ASRS connected in 3d trial 2.fsm
Sorry for the delay,
Still cannot get it fully throught. On the side note, how could you advise me to get all this learnings from?
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