
GRodea avatar image
GRodea asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Putaway and Picking using ASRS in same aisle


How can I restrict the ASRS to put away the boxes only in the aisle where they are located. And to bring the picked items in the queue at the end using the ASRS.

I attach the model I've been working

ASRS experiment 1 as tutorial not working.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.2
asrspicking goodsputaway
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Just use:

  1. destination.centerObjects[1]

then you can remove all centerport connections from the queue and only have one on each of the racks (or put an 'asrs' pointer label on the racks and then use 'destination.asrs' - no centerports anywhere).

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