
Arun avatar image
Arun asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Stop Process in between

I have a model with 3 moulds with cycle times (30sec each) which will create items with a certain offset time. Items will transported from mould to 6 milling units(60sec each). Now when item is transferred to P5, the operator need to see whether P1 and P2 is in work. If it is, I need to call the operator to take any item from P1 or P2 (item about to complete the process is preferred) and transport item to P5 then item taken from P1/P2 has to place to its bay after P5 is loaded.
Note: I cant change route and consider itesm as wind mill blades, so practically transporter cannot go between p1 and p2 to load p5.

Also if there is any way to see remaining processing time of process would be helpful!

Thanks in Advance

FlexSim 23.2.0
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

The easiest thing is going to be to stop one of the machines , hide the part and then resume it later and unhide the part.

If you want to remove the part and then replace it you can adjust the process time as seen in the attached example.


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