
NEEDHELP avatar image
NEEDHELP asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Which one? GIS or AVG for optimizing Passengers ferry system?

Hello! If im going to simulate passengers ferry simulation with 11 stations and every station will pick up and drop off. And how will I optimize the scheduling of ferry trips per hour? And im going to add ferry to accommodate more passengers to lessen the queueing per stations during rush hour. What will I use GIS or AVG?

Thanks a lot!

FlexSim 22.2.4
gisavgdrop offpick upsea path
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1 Answer

Nil Ns avatar image
Nil Ns answered Jason Lightfoot edited


Currently, GIS does not create maritime routes, so if you use it, the route will be visualized as if it were by air or simply in a straight line. However, you can manually create a water route by following the steps in this question.This does not affect the functionality, it only affects how the route is displayed on the map. If you already have the travel time between stations, you can input it, and therefore it will be correct. Using AGV is another option, but I believe it doesn’t offer anything different that GIS doesn’t already provide.

In summary, for your case, GIS is better because apart from allowing a more attractive visualization, you can directly input the travel time between stations.

I hope this helps you!! :)

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