
David Chan avatar image
David Chan asked Jason Lightfoot commented

instance resource does not return upon released


I have created an instance Tech2 from Tech1. Upon releasing the Tech2, the resource does not return to reset position. Wonder if this is a bug.

instance resource does not return to reset position.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.2
instancesrelease staff
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1 Answer

Arun Kr avatar image
Arun Kr answered Jason Lightfoot commented

When the Tech2 is created as an instance it is not getting added as a member of the pre-built staff process flow which guides the tech staff to return to its reset position. So for creating a new tech staff try creating a duplicate object using the "Duplicate Object" button under the groups tab of the Tech1 staff. By creating staff using the duplicate object option the staff gets automatically added to the pre-built staff process flow. If the instantiated member is not getting added to the prebuilt process flow by design then it's not a bug otherwise it's a bug.





Arun KR

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