
Luis Gaytan avatar image
Luis Gaytan asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Process flow Conveyor utilization 2

@Jason Lightfoot good evening!,

I create this question as "part 2" to understand the logic of the conveyor utilization, and I have couple questions,

First question, what does this function interact with the logic?


current.utilTV=data.utilization; // Is this the utilization from the tracked variable?

return /**/data.utilization/**direct*/;


Second question, How can I validate the average utilization of the conveyor?


I run the model in one day and there is a max content of 6 items, there is a capacity of 10 items in conveyor, so that´s the avg utilization? 100 - ((6/10))*100) = 40%

FlexSim 23.2.1
conveyorutilizationtracked variable
1701927821846.png (38.8 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

The utilization/occupancy is defined on the event page for each entry and exit (the expression for it is different for each event type.

If you think the capacity is 10 then change the value from 9 in the expression you highlighted - I only saw 9 enter.

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Luis Gaytan avatar image Luis Gaytan commented ·
Hi @Jason Lightfoot, how can I validate the data of that average utilization?
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Luis Gaytan commented ·

Use the occupancy graph where the percentage area under the graph is the utilization.

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