
nissdash54 avatar image
nissdash54 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

AGV Queue

Hello everyone, I have an AGV with a collection point using queue 3 and a delivery point with queue 2. I am unable to transport my product from queue 3 using the AGV. I have created a list for the product so that the robot can detect it. Does anyone have a solution, please?


This is my modelisation, I used the Advanced AGV in the process flow

This is a project TestRobot.fsm

Thanks for all

FlexSim 23.1.2
1702487481322.png (72.0 KiB)
testrobot.fsm (120.0 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered

I removed AGV Process Flow template. Connected Queue3 with Queu2 by object connection type "a". I connected Queue3 by a center port connection to your vehicle.

Choose a direct reference from picklist centerObject in Use Transport in Queue3

Then the AG-Vehicle transports an item.


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