
Het avatar image
Het asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Source 3D Visual Dimension get changes

I practiced transforming the 3D visuals of a source into a warehouse dock bay. After importing the .3ds fileDocking Bay N120608.3ds, I noticed that the source visual was too large. To fix this, I adjusted the height, width, and length to lower values.


In the image provided, you can see the original huge door and the small door after resizing. I attempted to save the adjusted visual in a library so that I could easily retrieve the same dimensions for different models. However, when I loaded the "Open Used Libraries" option to access my saved library, it displayed the original dimensions associated with the .3ds file. As a result, I had to repeatedly adjust the dimensions again.


Is there a better way to do it?

FlexSim 23.2.1
change visualsorce
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You can store a .xds file alongside the .3ds file to scale the object properly. Details here.

You can also save the reference to the shape and attributes as as Composite Visual Tree File from the "More Visuals" option - but this means you cannot then just browse to the shape file - you need to load the composite visual tree file yourself instead of browsing to the 3d file.


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