
Rara Hasna avatar image
Rara Hasna asked Rara Hasna commented

operator's capacity didn't work when pickup to conveyor

Hi, I want to know why the operator's capacity when they pick up items didn't work when I used a Queue, Operator, and Conveyor simultaneously. I made 3 different models and all of them have the same settings.


As you can see in the picture, the operator on the second model only picked up 1 item to the conveyor.

If I didn't use the conveyor, the operator's capacity worked well (third model), and if I didn't use any operator, the conveyor worked well too (first model).

Can you tell me how to change it so I can use the second model? Thank you.

operator capacity.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
conveyorchanging capacityoperator capacity
screenshot-14.png (247.1 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
Kavika F answered Rara Hasna commented

Hey @Rara Hasna, you can adjust the amount of flowitems allowed to be inserted into a conveyor entry transfer at a time. If you click on the Entry Transfer (the white arrow going into the conveyor), you can see these options in the properties panel. I increased the "Max Transports In" to 5 and checked "Hold Transports if Space is Blocked" so that the operator will hold the boxes and wait for space to insert the boxes.


Here's the documentation on this panel:

1705512081404.png (12.5 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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