
José Juan Ramírez Gutiérrez avatar image
José Juan Ramírez Gutiérrez asked Jeanette F commented

How to assign combiner to different references using Process Flow

Using Process Flow, we have a BOM with different raw materials (source) and through combiners (queues with combiner function) we do different assemblies creating a new reference. Each combiner is going to act as more than one assembly table depending on its capacity (Max content). Our goal is to assign a specific number of assembly tables (combiners) for the assembly of each reference, because each reference has a different process time. However we do not know how to do it.

For example, we need 4 assembly tables to do reference "M" with a process time of 6.5h and 2 assembly tables for reference "N" with a process time of 8.25h.

There goes our model if you want to check it out, thank you.


FlexSim 22.1.4
process flowcombinerreferencesassembly tables
otro-modo.fsm (108.5 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

If each combiner only works on one product, couldn't you just use the default Combiner object with a static components table?

With what you have currently build, you could use a Zone or Resource activity to limit how many tokens can enter the assembly process (Delay block) at any time.

A Resource has the benefit that it can be tied to a 3d object, if you want to phyically move the items into separate "assembly tables". A zone would be entirely 'virtual'.


1705654811324.png (13.3 KiB)
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