
Ali Asghar avatar image
Ali Asghar asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Warehouse model and Experimenter + optimizer

I want help in 2 major issues:

1. I have created 4 flowitem item types through source, now I want to classify it in ABC classification while placing in rack (20 items per rack). Itemtype 1 - blue color box should go in rack 1, 2, 5, 6, 9 and 10; itemtype 2 - yellow should go in rack 3.6.9; itemtype 3 - orangebox should go in rack 4, 8, 12 and item type 4 in rack 13. I have tried port by case logic on queue but not working proper.

2. I want to use experimenter and optimizer to derive me solution on utilization of processor and transporter basis. I have tried it but failed or i think some data is missing. I want result to be derived as if the work can be done with 4 processors then 6 shouldn't be needed.

Please help me and explain how did you achieved it. I am a rookie in using experimenter and optimizer.

Warehouse Model_autosave.fsm

FlexSim 19.0.0
experimenteroptimizerwarehouse optimization model
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Ali Asghar avatar image Ali Asghar commented ·

Warehouse Model_autosave.fsm

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

1. "Port by Case" will always use the first entry it finds for a given type. So you can't directly build a "one to many" relationship with it.

Have the queues instead release the items to "First Available" and have the racks pull the items by type.


2. While you can use the "Number of Objects in Group" option for the transporters, you can not do so for the processors with your current setup. That option will create copies of the first object in the group, meaning all processors would be connected to the first conveyor.

Instead vary the number of used processors indirectly, by changing where the Decision Point sends items. You could use a Global Variable for this.




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