
Nathan H5 avatar image
Nathan H5 asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Total number of pending requests for a staff group

I have a staff group that holds multiple resources for nursing. I would like to understand how many requests are coming in for any of the nurses that are a part of that group at any point in the process. I have many "acquire resource" activities that call for one of the RNs from the RN group. If the patient/token has to wait at one of these "acquire resource" activities until their RN is available I want to count them and have them on a time series chart. I am trying to understand the queue that starts to back up when I don't have enough RNs in the model.

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 23.2.3
healthcarestaffstaff group
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Open the statistics panel of the staff resource you want to collect this information for.


Then pin the "Request Content" stat to a dashboard.



You can then further customize the resulting chart (adjust title, legend entries, colors...).

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