
Nathan H5 avatar image
Nathan H5 asked

Staff change work location and role during the day

I am modeling a healthcare clinic where there is a separate check in and check out location for patients. The staff that work at these locations rotate during the day. For example, staff1 will work the check-in locations from 7am to 9:30am but when more staff come on shift at 9:30am they take over check-in and staff1 moves to work at check out. In my workflow I reference the staff group for check in to acquire a resource and do the same thing for a check out group for the check out section of my workflow. It seems like this might not be the best way to tackle this logic, so is there any better way to have this rotating staff move groups or be able to call them to check in from 7-9:30am and then check out from 9:30 to 8pm?

FlexSim 24.2.3
flexsim healthcarestaffschedulesstaff group
5 |100000

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