
Shinya O avatar image
Shinya O asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to create a path vertically and create a CP in the middle of it


I would like to use FlexScript to create a path vertically and create a CP in the middle of it. Is it possible?

I tried the code below, but it doesn't work. When finalizeSpatialChanges is executed on the last line, the z coordinate of the control point becomes -nan(ind).

  1. Vec3 startloc = Vec3(0,0,0);
  2. Vec3 endloc = Vec3(0,0,10);
  3. Vec3 diff = endloc - startloc;
  4. Vec2 xydiff = Vec2(diff.x, diff.y);
  5. double xylength = xydiff.magnitude;
  6. double zlenght = Math.fabs(diff.z);
  8. Object path = Object.create("AGV::StraightPath");
  10. path.size.x = xylength;
  11. path.size.z = zlenght;
  12. path.location = startloc;
  13. path.rotation.z = xydiff.angle(Vec2(1,0));
  15. function_s(path, "setZ", startloc.z, 1);
  16. function_s(path, "setZ", endloc.z, 0);
  18. function_s(path, "finalizeSpatialChanges");
  20. Vec3 cploc = Vec3(0,0,5);
  22. Object cp = Object.create("AGV::ControlPoint");
  24. cp.location = cploc;
  26. function_s(cp, "finalizeSpatialChanges");

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 23.0.11
agvflexscriptagv pathcontrolpoint
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Note that you can avoid using function_s calls directly by instead setting the properties:

  1. Object path = Object.create("AGV::StraightPath");
  2. path.setProperty("StartLocation", Vec3(1,0,0));
  3. path.setProperty("EndLocation",Vec3(5,1,10));
  4. Object cp = Object.create("AGV::ControlPoint");
  5. cp.setProperty("Location", Vec3(3,0.5,5));

However it looks like you cannot position a control point on a vertical path. This still results in a -nan(ind) cp z value and also doesn't accept the startlocation of (0,0,0). I will send this into the developers.

Also note that construction is also possible (and seems to work better) using Table.query:

  1. Table.query("INSERT INTO Objects() (Class, Name, StartLocation, EndLocation, Location) SELECT Class, Name, StartLocation, EndLocation, Location FROM Locs")

Where the Locs table is :



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Shinya O avatar image Shinya O commented ·

Thank you for your information. I would like to model AGVs that moves in 3-dimensions like a skypod. It would be helpful if this issue was resolved.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Shinya O commented ·
You can also try using network nodes or your own kinematics.
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