
Jim avatar image
Jim asked Felix Möhlmann edited

Documenting random created picking orders in a list or a table

descrete-picking-2.fsmHello dear community,

In this model some picking orders are created randomly. Is there a way to document the details of the completed orders. For example when a completed order is placed at the completed orders queue, is there a way to push to a list or create a global table, with the skus that are in that pallet, the number of boxes from each sku and the total number of boxes from that order? I would appreciate any of your help. Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


FlexSim 21.1.5
global tableorder pickingpush to list
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

You can record that information on the token before you push it to the list and then add label fields to your list eg token Pallete.first.sku and token.Pallete.subnodes.length.

Does each token represent a pick of a single pallet? How will you aggregate the information - how do you want it displayed? One row per Order SKU or one row per pallet?

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Jim avatar image Jim Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you for your reply @Jason Lightfoot. The final token that i want to push into a list will contain the information of a completed order, which basically is a single pallet with boxes with different skus. I cant access the sku label directly from this token, from what i understand which might be wrong the label is not stored here , but only a reference to the pallet that contains the boxes with the matching sku for each pick.1712189809292.pngIdeally i want to display the information one row per pallet ( that is to say per order ). The information i am having trouble getting is what skus are inside the pallet when the order is complete and the amount of boxes from each sku. If that cannot be done through a list how can this information be documented in a table ? Thank you in advance!


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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann edited

Just because the sku information is not currently stored on the main token does not mean that doing so is not possible.

You can write this information to the token when the skus and quantities are determined in the subflow. For this I use two array labels that are created in the "Total Orders" source. Later you can copy this information to a global table once all skus for the order are known.


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