
Rykou avatar image
Rykou asked Rykou commented

ASRS dispatch schedule

How to make ASRS move items according to the specified logic?

In my current model, yellow items will be transported from Queue to Rack and then from Rack to Sink, and blue items will be transported from Rack to Sink.

The ASRS dispatch logic I want is

1.Move one yellow item from Queue to Rack

2.Move one blue item from Rack to Sink

3.Move another blue item from Rack to Sink

4.Move another yellow item from Queue to Rack

5.Move one yellow item from Rack to Sink

6.Move another yellow item from Rack to Sink

The attachments are as follows.Thanks.

ASRS dispatch schedule question.fsm

FlexSim 24.0.1
asrstaskexecutorsdispatching rule
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Rykou commented

A very flexible and ultimately probably also one of the easiest solutions would be to push all task sequences to a list and pull and dispatch them to the ASRS in a Process Flow based on certain characteristics of the task sequence.

In the attached model these are the type of the item and the origin object of the transport task.

Note: A color by itself is a cumbersome way to identify items. You should always strife to use labels to differentiate items. The color could then also depend on those.


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