
clemrphl avatar image
clemrphl asked Jeanette F commented

How to modify the coordinate system of a flowitem ?

I designed a saggar on FreeCAD to use it as a flowitem in Flexsim, but the flowitem is rotated by 90°, so the coordinate system is wrong for absolutely no reason (Y and Z axes are inverted). I tried many file format but same problem every time.

I tried to just rotate the shape using shape factors, but it doesn't affect the coordinate system orientation so the flowitems are still flipped in processors or conveyors. I have to keep the saggars the right way (so the saggars lay on the bottom, not on an edge) to be well-packed in tote, how can I do that ?

Thank you in advance for your response,




FlexSim 24.1.0
3d object
kiln-furniture-2.fsm (117.9 KiB)
gazette-ikf.obj (62.6 KiB) (24.8 KiB)
gazette-ikf.ply (18.0 KiB)
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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @clemrphl,

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1 Answer

Patrick Cloutier avatar image
Patrick Cloutier answered clemrphl commented

I encountered the same issue recently and after much trial and error, I discovered that the easiest way to fix this is to rotate the object in the software in which you created it (FreeCAD). I was using Sketchup but the principle is the same.

I think the reason for this is because not all software use the same standard for xyz orientation.

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clemrphl avatar image clemrphl commented ·
Hello Patrick, thank you for your answer.

I followed your comment and I tried to rotate the object along each axis. After a dozen of attempts, I finally got what I wanted.

Every possibilities seemed quite random (a rotation of 90° in FreeCAD corresponded to a rotation of 180° in Flexsim) so I suppose this is not only a problem of standard but maybe a problem of coordinate system affectation during exporting or importing the file, or a problem of data reading/converting.

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