
Kauan santos avatar image
Kauan santos asked Gustavo Teodoro answered

How to make an AGV load more than one item using process flow


I have a simulation where I use the process flow. I would like to know how I can move 3 items at once with the AGV. Currently, I can only make it pick up 1 item at a time.



FlexSim 23.1.0
agvprocesss flowcreate ts
1715795576040.png (27.9 KiB)
linemodel.fsm (2.3 MiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Gustavo Teodoro avatar image
Gustavo Teodoro answered

As each item represents a token in Process Flow, I created a batch that joins three pallets. Then, the AGV travels to the Load point and a position label has been added. The AGV loads the first item that is on "Process42" using the function: Model.find("Processor42").first. The command means accessing the first item that is on the process. The position label is incremented and there is a check to see if the three items have already been loaded. If not loaded, looping is performed. Otherwise, AGV can follow and unload the items. The Unload logic follows the Load pattern. See the attached model.

linemodel.fsm (152.9 KiB)
5 |100000

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