
Shinya O avatar image
Shinya O asked Nil Ns commented

Exception caught in start() of activity


A TS with priority 0 is created at time 0, and then a TS with priority 1 is preempted. When another TS with priority 1 occurs at the moment that TS ends, if you observe the activetasksequence of TaskExecuter, the TS that occurred at time 0 is first executed for 0 seconds, and then the TS with priority 1 starts, and an error occurs there.

time: 7.620335 exception: Exception caught in start() of activity "Create TS" in process flow "ProcessFlow". Continuing throw...
time: 7.620335 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist().

Is this a bug? Actually, I'm creating a model with ver.2023.0.11, so it would be nice if there was a workaround.

Thanks in advance.Exception caught in start() of activity.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
agvpreemptcreate ts
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Nil Ns commented

The 'workaround' is to turn off the option 'UseNavigatorForOffsetTravel' or to specify a Tigger for the offset travel in the AGV Network properties.

· 3
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Nil Ns avatar image Nil Ns commented ·

Hey Jason, by turning off the 'Use Navigator For Offset Travel' option, do you mean to include that option in all AGVs?


I have put it in my model, but I am still receiving the error message. What is the code that needs to be added to the trigger?

time: 6013.061628 exception: Exception caught in start() of activity Control AGVs/AGVs/Create TS4 in process flow "ProcessFlow". Continuing throw...
time: 6013.061628 exception: Exception caught in Executive::processeventinlist().

*Note that I have a very complicated model. I have exactly the same error, but I am not sure if it is caused by the same bug. It is just to be sure.

Thank you in advance!

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Nil Ns commented ·

What trigger?

If it's the onSet of a parameter to set the number of AGVs from a Group, then after this line:

 applicationcommand("recreateObjectConnections", newObj, firstObj);

add this:


and either set the first object's offset travel manually or add this line:


You can set it to 0,1 or 2 - just not 3 which is the option for using the navigator for offset travel.

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Nil Ns avatar image Nil Ns Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·

Hello, sorry, I read ‘trigger’ instead of ‘tigger.’

I had a similar logic in place as you indicated, but I modified the node number.

Even so, I replaced it with this one, and I’m still getting the same error.

From what I’ve observed, this sometimes happens when an operator starts a new task sequence without finishing the previous one.

As I mentioned, I move a lot of token, and it’s possible that this is what’s causing the error, rather than an issue with the offsets.

Thank you very much for your response!

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