Hello there.
I was wondering, what is the difference between:
1- FlexSim's user manual (2017).
2- Applied Simulation: Modeling and Analysis Using FlexSim (2011).
And which is better?
Hello there.
I was wondering, what is the difference between:
1- FlexSim's user manual (2017).
2- Applied Simulation: Modeling and Analysis Using FlexSim (2011).
And which is better?
I am both learning, and want to teach FlexSim, i would apricate it if you provide me with source links.
Thank you.
FlexSim Videos repository:
start with FlexSim 2020 tutorial
later In-depth video Tutorials.
look for videos about new features and find articles about them at answers.flexsim.com
tutorials are inside of the manual in
you can select different versions.
Animation tutorials are pdf files in answers.flexsim.com
In the past I tried to prevent students to seek answers in a forum. Today this is unimportant for me, because my main focus is on a valid documentation. They have to document their logic in diagrams and texts. This can only be achieved, if they understand what they have received as solutions from users of a forum. And you can only describe really successful, if you build it for yourself and on your own.
And most important are statistical result discussions and analysis.
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