
Amy avatar image
Amy asked Amy answered

Staff not moving during their shift 2

I asked the same question in other post but couldn't solve the problem so I'm reposting for help.

I've inputted the staff's work schedules and set them to work during their working hours. However, they are not following their schedule and all are working when patients arrive.

I set the Down Behavior to offschedule so not sure why all staff are working when it is not their shift.


The model starts at 00:00, and patients start arriving at 5:30.

I'm not sure where the error is occurring. I'd really appreciate your help.


FlexSim 21.2.4
time tablestaff
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practice-v83.fsm (666.1 KiB)
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David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered

@Amy , You should check the members in the member Tab.

You should include the members to be applied by the time table.

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Amy avatar image
Amy answered

Change the Offset Time to 1.

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