
Josué Islas avatar image
Josué Islas asked Josué Islas commented

How can I fill client trucks in my model based on a table?

Nice day, I want to fill the customer trucks based on the global table "MercanciaCliente", once loaded, it can now leave to make way for the next customer truck assigned to the same door. How can I achieve the logic I mentioned in my model?Cross-Docking-Case1-Processflow v2.14.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.1
processflowglobal tabletokenslogicloading onto the truck
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1 Answer

Mauricio Aranda avatar image
Mauricio Aranda answered Josué Islas commented

Hello, Josue.

I have reviewed your model and one way i figured you can solve this issue is by using Irem lists for the "mercancías".

First of all i see you already have a token that represents each row on your table called "token.Filas", To assign the labels Cliente and Cantidad from the Global Table MercanciaCliente, you can add an assign labels and write the following command.


Then, because you create the items "mercancias" in another process Flow, to join them, you can use lists as I mentioned before.0
In this case I required and requested as many items as my label token.CANTIDAD.


This will create an array with a length according to the Cantidad label, where each part of the array represents an item.

After that, you may aquire your operators and start the loading and unloading process.

Hope this helps!

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