
luis-rodrigues avatar image
luis-rodrigues asked luis-rodrigues commented

Mixing tasks

Hi, I'm working on a model in which the transporters should load the queues to feed the machines (ML's) and then they have parallel tasks in the "MC1", "MC2", "Elev" but it seems that this tasks are mixing up, i.e. for example the transporter23 sometimes takes material from the queu03 and take it to the "Elev". In reality the transporter does one task one at a time.

mlall - teste.fsm

Thank you in advance :)


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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered luis-rodrigues commented

You do not acquire the transporter Process Flow resource when giving out tasks in the "Empty Tables" section (the only section where this is not the case, that I could fin). So these tasks can potentially mix with others.

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luis-rodrigues avatar image luis-rodrigues commented ·
So what you recommend? Should I put a tasksequence?
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann luis-rodrigues commented ·
Either that or acquire the transporter before running the subflow-
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luis-rodrigues avatar image luis-rodrigues Felix Möhlmann commented ·
I created Tasksequence for the "Move Empty" and it worked, is there a way I can automatically check that this doesn't happen with the other sub flows?
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