
Ioanna C avatar image
Ioanna C asked Jason Lightfoot edited

Task error


i have a task error (1st photo) in my model, that i cant find where is the problem. This is my model test11.fsm
Also, i am looking for a way to made operator separate 6 orders in Orders_Queue1, after he has collected them in once. I've made an Order List ID (2 photo) but nothing again.

Does anyone know something about that?

Thank you in advance!

FlexSim 19.2.4
flexsim 19.2.4taskinvalidtaskerror
error.png (69.6 KiB)
orderid.png (51.3 KiB)
test11.fsm (237.1 KiB)
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

The Task Sequence Error:

I the model sPlanPickSequence_PickRun6orders.fsm - the travel task now causing this error had "Empty Pallets" as the destination - a pointer to an object. You've changed this to token.destination which you have not defined - so the picker doesn't know to where it should travel.

The Exception in the Order List Field: TokenID

This list is just used to get unique order numbers. The pushed values are order numbers. They do not have row and column attributes so can't be used to look up a table cell in the GlobalTable "Picking_List".

Decanting Boxes to Order Totes:

I've posted a model in the other question here.

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