
Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel asked Phil BoBo edited

How does a Navigator work?

I would like to understand similar to the chart of item flow for fixed resources from the manual Fixed Resource Logic how a navigator works. How does a navigator handle an offset event? What does a navigator do with a tasksequence or a task of a tasksequence? When does a navigator create kinematic nodes?
Many thanks for your answers.


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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo edited

How a task executer interacts with a navigator and travel offsets is explained in Travel ( See the 'Navigator' and 'Travel offsets for load/unload tasks' sections.

Is there something in particular that you don't understand and want further explanation about?

To your specific questions:

A navigator doesn't know anything about an offset event. A task executer executes tasks. If a TE has a task that involves traveling, then the TE communicates with its navigator on how to get to the destination. Whether it does offsets itself or uses the navigator depends on the OffsetTravel property on the TE.

A navigator also doesn't know anything about task sequences or tasks. The task executer executes tasks. For tasks involving travel (travel, load, unload, pick offset, place offset, etc.), the TE may communicate with its navigator in order to know how to perform that task.

A navigator creates, uses, and updates kinematics nodes as necessary for doing whatever calculations it needs in order to determine how to position a task executer's location or calculate an end time of a travel operation. Kinematics logic is at the discretion of each navigator class. When a task executer needs to update its location, it may query the navigator to get that information if it is currently in a task that involves the navigator determining the TE's location. Each navigator (Default, Network, A*, AGV, GIS) has its own internal logic for how it determines how to position a TE and when a travel task is complete.

See also Task Sequence Types: TASKTYPE_TRAVEL ( for an explanation of what task executers do with travel tasks. The interactions with navigators is explained there.

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