
K_yun avatar image
K_yun asked Braydn T commented

Confused with the "push to /pull from List" and "NextLookForWork Loop"

As you can see in the photo above, The items created by the three sources are pushed to the list("ItemList1"), but the "ItemList1 Entries" table shows nothing during the simulation run. Same thing happens to "AGVWork Entries"table. Straight to the point , as the "Push to/Pull from list" mechanism(push missions onto the list, and pull te to execute it) being used in mission allocation, why still use "NextLookForWork Loop" mechanism? And when it comes to large scale AGV system simulation , which one suits more?

FlexSim 19.1.0
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
Jordan Johnson answered Braydn T commented

In the AGV template, there is a token that always pulls items off the AGV work list as soon as it is pushed on. T token waits on the activity "Get Item from Global List", and then pulls the item, creates a new token, and immediately goes back to wait for more. The list that has your items is calls the Local Partitioned Load list. You can open that list's entries window from the Process Flow view, and see your items in each of their partitions.

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