
Leandro Meirelles avatar image
Leandro Meirelles asked Jeanette F answered

Wait for event labels


I created a simple problem to understand more about the wait for event block and how can i store the label or list or whatever is the best practice and use on the load actives.

In the attached model, the Operator1 wait for 2 conditions before start working:

1- wait for any 1 of the 3 processors are empty.

2- wait for the number of flow items on Queue1 are higher then 0.

After those 2 conditions are reached, the Operator1 collect 1 box from queue1 and unload into the respective Processor(stored on label, list or the best way)

The Operator2 wait for one of the 3 processors are finished, collect the box from the respective processor and unload at the queue2.

I am struggling to implement it, I tried to use the on finish event but I can only create a label store the object name, but when I select the object by case on load/unload activities It asks for an integer value not object.

Also can I keep checking the state of the processor to see if Its blocked instead of wait for a finish processing event?

Thanks so much and would really appreciate if someone could do the changes on the model so I can better understand.


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wait for event
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Leandro Meirelles,

There are a few recommendations I have for you to accomplish this. In the wait for event activities, you can create a label that has a pointer to the item associated with the event.


The other pointer is to use a group for the processors. This group can be used in a resource so you can acquire an available processor and return the processor when the item exits the processor.


The group can also be used in the event triggered source instead of listing out each individual processor.


Please note that I updated the field in most of your activities to utilize the labels on the token.


These are some basic skills that you can learn in our tutorials. Please check them out. Tutorial Task 1.2 - Tasks Using Process Flow (

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