
JP117 avatar image
JP117 asked Jeanette F edited

24.1 Astar Node deallocation

Did something change with the Astar travel algorithm in 24.1. It seems there are times a member takes a long time to deallocate a node. This is causing major traffic jams in my model. Sorry had to blank out the images1717783992941.png

FlexSim 24.1.0
astar navigator
1717783992941.png (132.3 KiB)
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Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F edited

We have received the model through email and replicated the behavior . This has been submitted to the development team for further investigation.

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Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered JP117 commented

Hi @JP117, my first thought is this could be related to acceleration/deceleration that was added to A* in one of the recent versions of the software. But that usually changes how far in advance travel members will allocate nodes as opposed to when they deallocate nodes. You can try to set the acceleration and deceleration on your travel members to 0 (from within their Properties) to see if that makes a difference.

Otherwise, would you be able to attach a model that shows this behavior? If not the model from your screenshot, are you able to replicate the issue in a smaller example model that you could upload? I haven't been able to replicate it myself, so I'm guessing we won't be able to figure out the issue without being able to take a look at a model.

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JP117 avatar image JP117 commented ·
Are you able to do a zoom call or provide your email address. I can not share this model publicly it has some sensitive information
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