
Doris C avatar image
Doris C asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Utilizing triggers to remove items one by one

hello. I would appreciate it if you could help me out.

I'd like to try a new way to remove items.

The method I would like to implement is as follows

1. source1 sends items to processor1 every 75 seconds.

2. source2 sends items to queue1 every 150 seconds.

3. 150 seconds into the simulation, there should be 2 items in processor1 and 1 item in queue1.

4. at this point, recognizing that an item has arrived in queue1, send one item from processor1 to sink1.

5. importantly, no items should pass from processor1 to sink1 until queue1 signals processor1 to unload,


Is it possible to implement this without using pf and utilizing the functions or triggers in out put?

Thanks for your help.


FlexSim 24.1.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

You can use a list for this. It just requires editing the "Pull From Fixed Resource List" option in the Send to Port field a bit.

What is pulled from the list becomes irrelevant (it will be an item that is pushed to the list by Queue1). If something can be pulled right away, the item is released through port one. Otherwise the code waits for the pull to happen and then releases the item.


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