
htlvb avatar image
htlvb asked htlvb edited

**BROKEN** HOST and evaporated licenses

I tried to migrate our licenses to a new server and basically followed the documented process (return, activate). However, when activating the license on the new server it said **BROKEN** HOST. I then tried to repair the license and while the request and response seemed to work, it still said **BROKEN** HOST. After some trial and error using the old server our licenses completely disappeared (although I didn't delete them). Can you please reset our license so that I can activate it on our new server?

Thanks in advance,

FlexSim 23.1.2
licensebroken host
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
Johannes in our records we see that the licenses expired at the end of September. You might contact your local distributor/reseller to rectify/confirm this in advance of addressing your issue.
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htlvb avatar image htlvb Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
Jason, thank you for writing. We certainly will buy a new license, but I have been told that at the moment we will continue using the current license. This shouldn't be a problem, right?
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htlvb avatar image
htlvb answered htlvb edited

It works. Maybe the problem was that the VM has been transfered from VMWare to Proxmox. I created a new VM and installed the license server according to the documentation and it works so far.

No need to use SCSI or anything else.

Thanks again for your help.

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Ralf Gruber avatar image
Ralf Gruber answered htlvb converted comment to answer

Hello Johannes,

It seems there has been a lot of return/activate activity in your account today:


What really catches my attention are the two consecutive activations at 8:06 and 8:23. This should technically not be possible. Did you get any error messages on one of these? Also one of the computers, I am assuming the new server, doesn't show user and computer information. This is often suppressed by corporate networks. Are the two activations not showing user data on the same machine, but maybe in a different network? Forgive me for asking a lot, but we'd rather try to save the licenses before we reset it because that technically creates a second license.



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htlvb avatar image htlvb commented ·

Ralf, thank you for writing.

HTLVB-LICENSE is the new server and networking should be the same for both servers. I can't exactly remember because I tried a lot, but the activations not showing the information could be from the old server (HTLVB-TOOLS) because I tried to restore the license on the old server as well.

Now both servers show "No fulfillment records in trusted storage" even after a restart. I could try restoring a backup of both servers. But before doing a full restore I would like to know if there are single files I could try to restore?

Thanks, Johannes

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Ralf Gruber avatar image Ralf Gruber ♦ htlvb commented ·
Hello Johannes,

Can we try one more thing, please,before I force return the license? Can you try to activate the same activation ID again and see if it gets you the license back? Try first on HTLVB-LICENSE, please. If an error message comes up, please send us the error code, in general a four digit number.


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htlvb avatar image htlvb Ralf Gruber ♦ commented ·

Oh, I've tried that several times and it always said that there are no more seats left.

I tried again with a single seat and it gave me the following error message for both servers:


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htlvb avatar image htlvb commented ·

Thank you for resetting the licenses - now I can activate it again.

However it's still not working all the time because at some point it says **BROKEN** HOST. I can repair the license which seems to work, but after restarting the license server or sometimes just after closing and restarting flexsimserveractutil it says **BROKEN** HOST.

Our new license server is managed by Proxmox whereas the old one is a VMWare VM. Could it be that Proxmox doesn't have a stable machine id? How would I check that? By generating manual activation requests and inspecting the xml file?

Thanks in advance,

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Ralf Gruber avatar image Ralf Gruber ♦ htlvb commented ·
Hi Johannes,

This unfortunately is over my head. I will have to involve @Ben Wilson . Can you help, please?


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htlvb avatar image htlvb Ralf Gruber ♦ commented ·
Ok. Thank you very much for your help so far.
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